The anticipated day arrived! Everyone was excited, a little bit nervous. My baby would be leaving for Kindergarten this day. As I said earlier, I have my had children home with me, for over 20 years. It is a bit weird, (I know I'll get used to it) to get all the children off for school, get my morning routine done, and then look around and listen to all the empty spaces! I usually turn the piano on and enjoy listening while I work around the house. No little questions, contentions, disputes, or laughter. It is all so new. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty that I can do, plenty that I want to do, but sometimes...I'm not sure what to do! :) Anyway, the first day went off with out a hitch. Davis is in Kindergarten and had a wonderful day. He returned home the first day at 2:30 and was asleep on the couch by 3:45. It is so cute to hear him talk about his day, and about things he does in class, and things he is learning. Bracken is in 3rd grade. He loves it also. He and Davis ride their bikes to school, and he likes to be their early in the morning, as to get as much playground time before school as possible. Ashleigh started Jr. High. Her school starts at 9:05. That always feels so late! She is loving her new school adventure. They are swimming in PE right now, because we are still having excessive heat temperatures! It doesn't bother her at all. When I was in Jr. High and we had swimming, I purchased a butane curling iron so I could have my hair done, before going to my next class. (we had a shortage of outlets available to us, so I solved the problem with the cordless curling iron) She loves being around her friends all day. Hunter started 10th grade this year at the high school. He has some hard classes and rounds it off with guitar class, which he really enjoys.
The cub scout pictures are of Bracken getting his Bobcat award, and several belt loops. He loves going to cub scouts. I hope he will follow in Hunter's footsteps and be excited and get things done all along his scouting journey. Hunter just earned his Basketry meritbadge. This makes 46. It also gives him his second Gold Palm. Way to go Hunter!
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