So, June 2-4, Steven and I were the Ma and Pa to 7 boys and 1 girl. We all loaded our sleeping gear, and buckets with personal stuff into handcarts and had an amazing 3 day experience. We walked up and down dusty rocky trails for a total of 27 miles. Wow! We had a woman's pull, (me and the 1 girl, plus a borrowed one) up a pretty rocky hill, that will be in my memory forever. What an experience. We finish tonight with a fireside. We memorized a poem, and then earned a button that says, "I can do hard things" Salt River Stake Trek 2011
I love this poem
Here it is:
Stick to Your task till it sticks to you,
Beginners are many and enders are few,
Honor, power, place, and praise,
will come at last to the one who stays.
Stick to your task till it sticks to you,
Bend at it, sweat at it, smile at it too,
For out of the bend and the sweat and the smiles,
Will come life's victories after a while.
So, we returned home Sat. night, then Wed. night Steven was off for Varsity Super activity. They were hiking down to Havasupi Falls, 10 miles. (Do you think Steven has had enough hiking in a week and a half's time?) They returned home Sat. afternoon. Steven is resting nicely. Hunter has energy like no other. He did take a nap Sat. afternoon, but just continues on with his normal routine. (He also went to trek)